Friday, May 6, 2011

Trusted Reviews

Trusted Reviews

"Genius is nothing other than pointing out the obvious", Albert Einstein.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dennis Lee's World of Better Alternatives!?

If you can get past the controversy surrounding Dennis Lee and his Christian Fundamentalism you’ll find a message of universality encompassing not only the current need of better and wiser technologies to save our world but you’ll also find the promotion of the universal fundamental to every tradition out there of “MORALITY”.

My personal understanding about the concept of morality seems that even though it has been cloaked in the mysteries of tradition thus obscuring the obvious common sense of it that there is more profound science behind this concept then any tradition could possibly imagine before today.

Not only is the obvious principle of conservation involved with it but also the so far obscure relation between morality and the relationship between the microcosmic and macro-cosmic versions of creation; the microcosmic version of creation being human sexuality and the macro-cosmic version of creation being the Big Bang - both being a monogamous phenomena of 'micro to macro' creating - LIFE.

And traditions are always making sure to point out what science is beginning to discover and make obvious that we have to answer to the Cosmic Version of Creating first before we can secure our own personal version of pro-creating.

So, if you can see throughDennis Lee'sjargon you should find a poignant message with a lot of inspirationfor our age and worth listening to.

I highly recommend listening to it HERE following the links to his his video presentation on his site to hear for yourself what "Better World Alternatives" are likely in store for us!


PS Of course his products need to live up to the inspiration.

~Comments always welcome:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dr. Michio Kaku's Future

Michio Kaku On Future Civilization - Awesome video clips here

Dr. Michio Kaku giving his outer to inner view of physics as to what our future holds. A little different than the inner to outer view of the Vedic approach I think but none the less interesting if not quit inspiring.


PS Now what we need is the meeting of the "outer to inner" with the "inner to outer" approaches and see what we come up with!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yahoo! Delicious Bookmarks!?

Does anyone ever use Yahoo!' Delicious bookmark service?

I mean with their regular bookmark service available on any Yahoo! toolbar what is the point?

I guess the Internet - Information Age - game is to try all possibilities at least once to see what takes.

So, has Yahoo! Delicious taken for anyone?

"Genius is nothing other than pointing out the obvious", Albert Einstein.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Globe Trekking!

Squirrel-3, originally uploaded by Anastasia Kozhina.

Traveling the world over are we.

Well you'll need a little more than a wire fence to do that and you may want to find yourself with a little more evolution under your belt then that of this cute little squirrel's.

And even if your up to us bipetal humans you still may find it hard to get that world tour in.

Don't fret though!

Just check out Anastasia Kozhina, a Translator and Interpreter from Nizhny Tagil but currently living in New York.

Her picture perfect collection is one to make us wanna be world travelers envious of.

You'll find pictures from all over the world from New York, US to St. Petersbug, Russa and all points every where to satisfy the most ardent of glob trotter and glob trotter wanna a bees.

So, if you want to remember your own past world exploits once more or fuel the flame of your imagination of wanna be glob trotter just check out Anastasia Kozhina Flickr photo stream Here .

I'm sure that she'll love to read your comments about how wonderful her photos really are and about how much you wish that you were the one taking them!

So, here is to Trekking the World over!
